What to expect: therapeutic massage

If you arrive earlier than 5mins before the start of your appointment, my front door will most likely be locked. If the “Please Do Not Disturb” sign is up, please wait on the sidewalk. I will keep an eye out for you and try to open the door for you when you arrive. I am allowing at least 30 mins in between appointments for thorough cleaning.

Masks are mandatory and must be worn properly covering your mouth and nose at all times. If you arrive without a mask you can purchase a triple layer surgical mask for $1 or an N95/KN95 for $3. 

As you enter the studio, please go to the bathroom to wash your hands and/or use the hand sanitizer provided. Then you will have a seat on the bench and we will discuss your goals for the session from a distance of at least 6 feet.

All non-essential items have been removed from the studio. Please bring your own water. There are lozenges available if you typically get a dry mouth during your session. There are also “Breathe Right” Nasal Strips if you tend to get congested while face down (use the provided alcohol wipe to remove oil from your nose before applying the strip).

I will be wearing a clean set of scrubs and fresh apron, KN95 mask, a face shield and an option for clean nitrile gloves that can be worn upon request.

After I leave the room, you will undress to your level of comfort and either hang your clothing on the hooks or place them in the sanitized plastic bin next to the bench. There is a sanitized tray for your jewelry, watch, glasses and silenced phone. Comfort levels can change from day to day. Any level of undress is always okay. My only requirement is that you remove your shoes. Next you will lie on the table underneath the linens either face up, face down or on your side (depending on how we structure your session). Side-lying is an option for anyone who may feel claustrophobic laying face down with a mask on. When I return from washing my hands I will first give a shout out to ask if you are ready to be sure you are fully covered on the table before entering. You will remain covered with the linens at all times except in the immediate area where you are being massaged. I want you to let me know at any time if you are experiencing discomfort, whether it is the amount of pressure I am applying, you’re too hot/cold, music volume, or you need a tissue or a sip from your water bottle. With that said, we will need to keep talking to a minimum due to the masks we’ll both be wearing and the increased noise from the air purifiers.

When the session is over I will gently remind you to move slowly getting off the table and I will leave the room to wash my hands. Do not stand up too quickly. People can become dizzy after a massage, especially if you are dehydrated. After you are fully dressed, I will return to wrap up discussion, show you any stretches or postural adjustments that might be helpful to you and open the curtains and door for you with my clean hands.


There are certain situations where massage may not be recommended. If you are experiencing acute pain, please see your doctor for evaluation.