Incompass Wellbeing at Jamaica Plain Wellness
Melanie Peterson, LMT

What is Cupping?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. People get it for many purposes, including to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and as a type of deep-tissue massage.

How to prepare for cupping or cupping massage: 

  • Hydrate. Water is essential for your health, especially for your lymphatic system. Cupping supports your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system clears away cellular waste from your body and it needs plenty of water to do this effectively. 

  • Eat an hour or so before your appointment. 

  • Don’t shave the area within four hours of your appointment. 

  • Recover from sunburn. When you receive cupping, it will feel like that area is warmer than normal. Neither the cup nor the extra heat will feel good on sunburned skin. Apply some soothing aloe and wait until your skin has recovered before your next cupping appointment. 

  • Don’t exfoliate aggressively. Exfoliating removes a layer of dead skin, which makes your skin extra sensitive. Wait a couple days after aggressive exfoliation treatment before receiving cupping. 

Cupping Aftercare 

Cupping is a traditional treatment that is safe, comfortable, and effective for many health disorders. The gentle suction that cupping creates loosens and lifts connective tissues, which increases blood and lymph flow to your skin and muscles. To get the maximum benefits from cupping, it’s important that you follow a few guidelines. 

What to do after cupping or a cupping massage: 

  • Drink a lot of water. 

  • Water helps flush your lymphatic system of the cellular waste that cupping helps release from your tissues. Stay warm. 

  • Try to cover the area(s) where you received cupping. 

  • Rest. 

You may feel more tired than normal or experience flu-like symptoms after cupping (headache or general body aches). This is a temporary reaction by your immune system to the cellular waste that cupping helps release. 

What to avoid after cupping or a cupping massage: 

For 4-6 hours post cupping, avoid exposure to: 

  • Caffeine, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, dairy, and processed meats. These foods slow down your body’s ability to process the treatment. 

  • Hot showers, saunas, hot tubs and strong air conditioning. After cupping, your skin will be more sensitive to temperature in the areas where the cups were placed. Give your skin time to recover. 

  • Intense exercise. 

  • Cold and windy conditions. 

How to make the cupping marks go away faster: 

After cupping, your skin will have circular marks ranging in color from pink to deep red or purple. People may joke that you look like you were in a fight with an octopus. Wear those badges proudly! You’re doing something great for your body. 

Discolorations from cupping will fade. Some may fade after a few hours while others take up to two weeks to disappear completely. The discolorations are related to your body’s health at the time of cupping. 

If you’d like those marks to go away faster, do two things: hydrate and rest. 

Everyone’s body responds differently to cupping. If you have any questions either before or after a cupping appointment, please contact me.

Cupping Contraindications

In general, cupping is contraindicated directly on veins, arteries, nerves, skin inflammation, any skin lesion, body orifices, eyes, lymph nodes, or varicose veins. Cupping is also contraindicated on open wounds, bone fractures, and sites of deep vein thrombosis.

Areas to avoid
•Anterior neck, medial to SCM
•Fractures, dislocations
•Kidneys – stationary cups over kidneys
•Areas of superficial blood vessel areas/nerve areas: anterior neck, groin, anterior distal forearm
•Insulin, or any medical injection sites
•Scarring following surgeries. Wait for the scar to heal, at least 3-5 weeks
•Herniation/Bulging disc area
•Cyst of any kind – pressure can increase discomfort

Acute and non-acute medical conditions
•Cancer, malignant tumors or while receiving cancer therapy
•Rheumatoid arthritis flare up

Cardiovascular-related conditions
•Deep vein thrombosis
•Low blood pressure
•Acute circulatory disorders (varicosities)

Systemic Conditions / Weakened Conditions
•Liver dysfunction
•Kidney dysfunction
•Hemophiliacs and clients who bruise easily
•Clients with extreme exhaustion, high stress or weakened general conditions
•Severe edema

Skin hypersensitivity-skin conditions to avoid include but not limited to
•Rash, Sunburn
•Shingles (Herpes zoster)
•Skin lesions, raised moles, skin tags, acne
•Medications – Including thin skinning medication
•Aspirin, Blood Thinners

All Acute musculoskeletal injuries

•Ask your doctor if cupping is contraindicated with any current medications you are taking.
•If you cannot reach you doctor, inform your massage therapist and we will consult with other resources.


It is recommended to introduce cupping gently in the second trimester. Recognize that a conservative approach is necessary as structures may be more responsive during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes in the body.Cupping will not be done lateral to the lumbar spine.

It is recommended to express milk before cupping therapy to prevent exposing the infant to an altered breast milk taste following the treatment. It is advised to pump and dump the breast milk and feed the baby with the pre-cupping treatment expressed milk.

Visible markings can result from cupping from 3 to up to 7-8 days (rarely longer) following treatment. You must be comfortable with the markings, otherwise, cupping therapy is contraindicated.